Who we are

Our website address is: https://dobecology.nl.


Your privacy and trust are important to us and this Privacy Statement provides important information about how DOB Ecology handles personal information. In this privacy statement we will use certain terms:

  • Personal data: data that directly and indirectly identify you. For example: name, address, date of birth, nationality, photos, but also income.
  • Processing: any act that can be performed in relation to personal data. These may include collection, storage, use, but also removal of your data.

Whose personal data are processed by DOB Ecology?

We only process, collect and utilise the personal data which you provide directly, or data which have evidently been submitted to us for processing purposes. These are data of persons with whom we have, wish to have, or used to have, a direct or indirect relationship. This may include personal data of:

  • People, companies and organisations who show interest in our work, activities and projects;
  • Persons who are associated with a business or organisation with which we have, wish to have, or used to have, a relationship, consultants performing services or assignments for us.

To protect your interest as well as our own, we may process personal data to third parties, for example for purposes of fraud control.

For what purposes does DOB Ecology personal data?

Your data shall be processed fairly and in compliance with the European privacy law (GDPR) and Dutch Privacy Law (AVG). We process personal data for the following purposes:

  • To be able to enter into a relationship with you;
  • To maintain the relationship with you and to execute an agreement or a contract;
  • For purposes of our operations. For example, we process personal data to enter into Grant Letter Agreements or other forms of contract. Also as a donator, it is necessary for us to obtain an overview of recipient organisations in order to assess our risk when providing a donation;
  • To perform statutory obligations. We are required by certain national and European laws and regulations to collect data about you. In order to fulfil legal requirements, we sometimes have to disclose personal data to tax authorities in and outside the Netherlands. In addition, based on our duty of care, we are required to process personal data whenever there is cause to do so;
  • To protect your and our vital interests. We may process personal data, for instance, to investigate fraud. To fight cybercrime we may transmit your data to third parties. We only do so after we have made strict arrangements with these parties regarding the careful use of your data;
  • For promotional purposes. For example to inform you about an event we organise that may be of interest to you or for communicating on our projects on our website. If we want to send you a newsletter, we will ask for your permission. You can withdraw your permission at any time;
  • For archiving purposes. We do not collect more data than is necessary for the purpose set out above. If we do not store data for those purposes we may nonetheless do so for archiving purposes. This means that the data will only be used for legal proceedings or for historiography.

Does DOB Ecology also process sensitive data?

Sensitive data are special types of personal data, for example criminal data or racial or ethnic data. We will process sensitive data only if so required by law, with your consent, or at your request.


DOB Ecology does not register visitor data from its website visitors. Personal contact information shall only be used to maintain the relationship.

How does DOB Ecology treat your personal data?

We incorporate and use personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, that means:

  • your personal data are stored carefully;
  • we treat your personal data confidentially and with the utmost care;
  • everyone who is able to view your data, is bound by a confidentiality code;
  • we do not keep your personal data longer than necessary;
  • we sometimes engage third parties to edit personal data, only if third party has taken appropriate security measures. For example in the context of payment transactions.
  • your personal data may also be shared with third parties that we engage in our operations. This may include transfer to third parties in countries that do not have an adequate data protection level;
  • we will not sell or hire out your information to any other third party.

Security level

DOB Ecology protects the data entrusted to it by technical and organizational security measures to minimize the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and modification. This includes firewalls, encryption of data and physical and administrative access controls up to the data and servers. If you think that data has been misused, you can contact us. You can find our contact details below.


It is forbidden to use the images on this website for any other purpose as the images are protected by copyright. If you are the owner of an image used on this website and you believe this image has been used without your consent, please let us know by sending an e-mail to .

Your rights

If you think that our organization processes your personal data, you may ask to be informed of the data that pertain to you and are kept on record in our system.

If the recorded details are incorrect or incomplete, or you feel they are not relevant to the case being processed, you may submit a written request to alter, add, remove or screen details. You will receive a response within 4 weeks. You can send your request (with a copy of your ID, please make sure that your id numbers and social security number are not readable) to:

Office Manager
IJsseldijk 1
8194 LA Veessen
The Netherlands

If you do not wish to be contacted, you can inform us of this in writing.

Adjustment of this privacy statement

We reserve the right to change our privacy statement. Changes will be published on our website.