Restoring the Manafwa watershed

Partner since 2019


For decades the Manafwa watershed in Uganda has been a breadbasket for the country as the area has a good climate and fertile volcanic soils for food production. However, the watershed is also one of the most highly populated areas in Uganda with the majority of the people being dependent on agriculture. This population density creates an enormous pressure on the land, often resulting in encroachment on fragile areas and farming on ever steeper slopes and marginal lands. As such, the watershed has become a hotspot of rapid degradation of natural resources. Urgent action is needed to preserve it for future generations.

A consortium of both Ugandan and Dutch organizations, led by Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR), has developed a program in which investing in smallholder farmers living in the watershed is key. WENR teaches farmers to develop their own ‘Plan Integré du Paysan’ (PIP), an integrated farm planning approach, consisting of two drawings for each farmer. One drawing visualizes the current farm situation, the other a desired future situation to be attained in three to four years. Both situations will be drawn by all family members together, based on their own aspirations and needs. Creating a PIP together triggers discussion within the family, and creates awareness of their future, including the central role of the land and its resources. This will result in a common vision, a tangible action plan, and a change in mindset (more stewardship!). With these outcomes farmers will be willing to invest in a more resilient farm.


Working towards

Restoring resilience and stimulate stewardship of the Manafwa watershed in Uganda.


  • Lay a solid foundation for resilient farming, with motivated people and healthy land;
  • Achieve good stewardship of natural resources in the villages and in the National Park
  • Create an enabling environment for further upscaling of resilience-based stewardship.