Seed-funding for Impact: Catalyzing private investments in ecological restoration

Partner since 2021




WeForest develops holistic and multi-stakeholder reforestation projects through a Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach. While working with local communities to lift these out of poverty, old forests are protected and new forests are grown around them to halt global warming and also to conserve biodiversity. WeForest has a scientific approach to FLR and collaborates with universities and research institutes to strengthen its reforestation strategy through applied research.

WeForest’s projects, from Ethiopia to Brazil, cover a range of restoration including assisted natural regeneration, enrichment planting and agroforestry, selected based on the local ecosystem type as well as the main drivers of degradation.

Through “the seed-funding for impact” program, we support WeForest with seed funding to boost their project pipeline which will result in two new restoration projects covering an area of 10,000 hectares.

Working towards

Increasing investments for conserving and restoring the ecological integrity of forest landscapes with local communities to deliver lasting solutions for climate, nature, and people.


  • developing a funnel of project opportunities which will be refined and screened;
  • scoping the most promising and impactful projects;
  • finalizing 2 project proposals, each restoring 5,000 hectares, with matching funds from corporate investors.


All photo’s © WeForest Making Earth Cooler