
Resource Watch

Partner from 2017 to 2021


Advancing a healthy planet where ecosystems and people thrive requires reliable, accessible, decision-relevant information. However, data regarding the world’s ecosystems are often unavailable, unusable and/or unused. A lack of data hinders conservation and reversal of the degradation of the world’s ecosystems.

It results in poor resource management decisions, poor law enforcement, and weak political momentum. Citizens can be shut out of decisions that affect their livelihoods and well-being. It can facilitate corruption and prevent accountability.
Data transparency combined with citizen engagement can drive accountability. And accountability leads to more responsible and better decisions. Public and private actors are more likely to make environmentally and socially responsible choices if they know that they are being held accountable by the public.

In 2018, The World Resources Institute (WRI) launched Resource Watch, an open, freely accessible, online global data platform that unites technology, data transparency, and partners to drive sustainable management of the planet’s resources and improve planetary health.

Resource Watch features more than 300 data sets in one place on the state of the planet’s resources and citizens. Users can visualize, create dashboards and overlay data across challenges facing people and the planet, from climate change to poverty, water risk to state fragility, air pollution to human migration, and more. See for yourself at

Working towards

Enhancing and expanding Resource Watch, a dynamic platform that leverages technology, data, and partners to bring unprecedented transparency about the planet right now.

• Enable more local organizations to easily create their own place-based monitoring system, combining Resource Watch’s core global data and functionality with user generated data;
• Empower users with the information they need to reverse ecosystem degradation.

From data to action

Resource Watch (developed by WRI and over 30 partners) is a dynamic online platform that leverages technology, data, and human networks to bring unprecedented transparency about the state of the planet’s resources and citizens. Despite the crises WRI has been expanding this platform and sees many possibilities for the future. Read the optimistic conversation we had with Anders Pedersen, Resource Watch Director at WRI.

Making a difference by partner engagement: GCBR

The Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR) and WRI’s Resource Watch teams have worked together on building a customized Resource Watch dashboard of the ecological trends in the GCBR over the last 20 years. The dashboard shows the trends of ecological indicators in the biosphere, with a specific focus on visualizing the effective changes over time.

Making a difference by partner engagement: ACT

Our partner ACT wants to improve the decisionmaking process of local communities in Suriname, allowing them autonomous and sustainable management of their territories. WRI has a powerful tool for data-driven storytelling. Their Resource Watch makes use of storytelling to record, recover and communicate oral histories of the communities and look for ways to use these in protecting the ancestral territories.